Sunday, March 21, 2010

What do you do in a pinch?

I thought I'd throw out a question for you, my frugalite friends. And here it is (nothing like getting right to the point!):

What are some things you've had to do or you've used when you've been in a pinch and needed something now? For example, using baking soda in place of toothpaste or taping up a hem because you couldn't find a needle and thread.

Got any fun, crazy or unusual substitutions and/or stories to share?


  1. Can't think of a single thing this morning. That could be because I'm dealing with a sinus headache.

  2. Speaking of taking care of something in a pinch, I had miserable sinuses last week and found relief by leaning over a sink full of super hot water with a towel over my head and breathing the steam. Cause I didn't have sinus meds and couldn't get out to buy them!!

    Two others off the top of my head, I have used baking soda to scrub my shower when I had no cleaner, and I've used hot glue gun to fix everything from kids shoes to underwire bras!! Will add more if I think of it!!

  3. Sorry, but you're talking to a person who uses a pin to hold her skirt together when the button pops. How lazy is that? Being innovative is not one of my gifts. I like to sponge off the suggestions that others offer, actually. I like that idea of Kristie about using hot glue to fix things.

  4. Thanks so much for commenting regarding Spencer's eery state of calm. I answered your question in my comments section. I have no good "in a pinch" answers for now, but I added you to my "following" list. =)

  5. When anyone gets stung by a bee I find some plantain in the lawn, chew it a bit and plaster it over the sting. It works

  6. I am the Queen of substitution because I live about 25 miles from anything but...the brain is not in gear right now and I can't think of a single thing. Guess I will have to wait until the coffee kicks in.

  7. confuscious say, use word verification. My tip is that when I'm out of powdered sugar, I just put some regular sugar in a food processor and voila, powdered sugar.
